domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

Hemos encontrado algunos verbos en el anterior vídeo :

  • launched:lanzado
  • mark:marca
  • help:ayuda
  • create:crear
  • take :toma
  • shipping:envio

Ahora vamos a utilizarlos en el presente simple en afirmativo negativo y pregunta:

  • He helps in the house
  • She takes pictures of her sister in brazil
  • It creates in the morning
Recordemos su estructura gramatical

  • He does not help in the house
  • She does not take pictures of her sister in brazil
  • It  does not create in the morning
Recordemos su estructura gramatical
sujeto+auxiliar negado do/does+verbo simple+complemento


  • Does he helps in the house?
  • Does she takes pictures of her sister in brazil?
  • Does it creates in the morning?
Recordemos su estructura gramatical
do/does+sujeto+verbo+complemento ?

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